Mainly Green

Mainly Green

 “The Diet Industry is a multi-million pound industry, and it wants to keep you dissatisfied and big enough to buy into it’s slender, celebrity driven mentality.  So while you are pigging your way through fat land, it is raking in your ill spent dosh.”

 “And what authority might you be?”

 “A friend, who will save you time and money and energy, getting you fit, fast.”

 “That is a very attractive offer, friend.  What is this place?”

 “This is the Breakfast Room.”

 Monday hunger appears to have lead to a black out.  The company first aider has put my feet up on a chair from where I fell, next to the photocopier.  I rose fast after loading the paper tray, only to see stars in the darkness, when my vision conked out suddenly and a glorious headrush sent me crashing to the ground.  Obviously I am not therefore corpus mentis.  I am out for the count.  I do suspect that the distant siren is the ambulance they have called, but I cannot here it since my elvis has left the office and I appear to be somewhere else, in a “green room”.

 Endorsed lovingly with a portrait of Enid Blyton who’s enthusiastic lists of laden tables conjured happy memories of healthy, busy children eating whatever they liked, the Breakfast Room.

 It has a school feel about it with desks and chairs.  On the right there is a massive blackboard, covered with glorious chalk pictures of fruits and vegetables.  Over to the left, there is a delightful little alcove with a small circular table and a chair, complete with a plastic tablecloth and condiments, reminiscent of the easy-going atmosphere of all the greasy spoons I have ever visited, and I visited many.  I love them.  Straight in front of me a nice lady smiles from behind a pristine counter with the obligatory hair covering and apron and sellophane covered bowls gleam in a stainless steel chilled windowed cabinet.  Home Economics!  Always an easy option.  Shame I had to study Physics, Maths and Chemistry.  I always envied the breezers in the Home Economics class, who got to make cakes and take them home.  They always seemed so much happier than the academics, sat in austere classrooms, grappling with the invisible dry stuff, rigid and grey, peering sadly at my “academically challenged!?” lucky peers across the hallway knitting colourful scarves and expressing their creativity in so many ways.  Even our English Lessons were rigid, although that didn’t stop me winning a prize. 

 “I will teach you something that you already know.”


 “You must have forgot it.  Life got in the way and you immersed your brain in the media.  The constant drivel of endless advertisements has turned your brain to moosh my friend, but we all love clover, don’t we?”

 “Who are you?”

 “I am Tempbal the Dietician, the Scientist’s wife.  I have been with you forever, subconsciously keeping your body together.  What did you think was holding it together?  You certainly aren’t.  You are the saboteur who keeps going the wrong way, doing the wrong thing, eating the wrong stuff.  You feed your passion, your whim for whatever rubbish takes your fancy.  When it hits the intestine, I take it from there and do the best I can with it.  You people have no idea!  You need to keep the blood pure, otherwise you won’t work properly.”

 “How extraordinary!”  I think/say.  Tempbal hovers beside me, looking like the scholastic Scooby Doo girl, in a white coat.

 “Breakfast means the breaking of fast you know.  Your entire mindset has been distracted by the consumer society you live in.  Just be quiet and listen.  I will now briefly demonstrate how to kiss.”

 “Your mad!”

 “I am as mad as the hatter, Alice, and you have been eating too much jam. Sit down please.  Plenty of room here.  There is always room at the top, you know!  Don’t ever let them tell you that there is not.”

 “Kiss?  Your scaring me now!  Those are Adam Ant’s lyrics so I hardly think we will find any wisdom there.”

 “Keep It Simple Stupid; its an acronym. Wisdom and Folly are identical you know, so you have no reason to doubt the words of Mr Ant just because he happened to slip into what the “sane” world, terms as “insane”.  Who are you, dear?  Eh?  Beware of the tendency to judge.  You haven’t even met the man.  Who are you to know whether or not he is wise or not.”

 Here is the wisdom of the Breakfast Room.  It’s Dead easy.

 1          Food is fuel – see it as such and nothing else.  Do your wallowing with water dear.         Wallow in the water.

2          Remember the food pyramid from Chemistry?


 “Good!  Thats it.” “Your in an ambulance, by the way.” And Tempbal’s lips tightened as she gave me a stern look, but I faded out then.

Green Cross?  That’s a green cross.  I’m in France!  No it’s the Green Cross Code Man.

 “This isn’t the ambulance, then”.

 “Hi.  Hold my hand.  You need to look BOTH ways, little one”

 3          “Are you hungry?”

 “Yes” “No”  I don’t know”

 mmm   Well thats what you ought to concern yourself with.  That is how it is supposed to work.  Your body knows.  It tells you.  We tell you.  Hunger is your cue to eat.  Not T-Time, not elevenses, not lunchtime.  The trigger is hunger – nothing else!

 “I will walk with you. The French really know how to really “do lunch” don’t they?”

 4          What do you like to eat?  What do you really like?  Do you even know?

 “I don’t know where I am.  I’m lost!”.  I felt suddenly very sad, so I cried”

 The Green Cross Code Man’s face watered out to become the face of the Scientist, Tempbal’s husband, the rational, kindly old codger, a bof, my bof, the sort of friend who takes you under his wing and mentors you…

 “It can switch like that sometimes, suddenly.  We are all one.  This is the Fourth Dimension, the Astral Plane, the dream place.  It’s just that you are fully functional and conscious on it and it does not follow the same rules as the physical plane.  The physical plane is space-time, whereas the Astral Plane operates on Time-Space principles.  You get what you need quicker, that’s all.  Now you know why it is recommended for an incarnate to STAY physical.  Because it is a unique opportunity to have it all slowed down so you can pick it apart.”  He grasped me by the chin then and looked hard at me. “If you knew just how difficult and challenging it was just to get here, you wouldn’t be in such a hurry to escape you know.  Not all make it you know!  Appreciate the wave you are in.  You need them all you know, or you won’t make it back again.”

 “What do I know?”  “Clunck Click Every Trip”

 “The Green Cross Code Man never said that!”, my lip curled up at the side in distaste.

 “I know that.  Jimmy Saville did, back in the 70’s, before this gold tracksuit.  Pay attention to what you eat.  When you eat, just eat.  Use all the senses, focus.  Now.  Are you really enjoying it?  Slow down, dear.  Savour each mouthful”.

 “I can’t talk because I eating and watching Jimmy weighed down by all that gold.”

 “Lets kiss.”

 “You are disgusting.  Kiss Jimmy Salville?”

 “No! The jolly green giant, and Jimmy Salville had his screaming crowds of girls, you know.”

 “Oh stop all this!  I’m not writing fan fiction here.  I am trying to make sense of it all.  I’d love to share the wisdom, but I can’t until I am wise myself.  I’m not, so stop wasting time and let’s get on with the business of getting wise, wiseguy.”

 “I am making it memorable for you.  If it is prominent at the forefront of your mind, it will be a breeze to implement.  Trust me.” As a breeze whispered past my cheek and the Jolly Green Giant scooped me up in his hand and I got the lift lurch and the underwater ears it was so fast!

 “You know there is far too much sugar around!  Leave it alone for 21 days.  Your tastebuds will change and you won’t like it anymore.  Problem solved.”

 “But I will crave and crave, and your voice is really too loud”

 “Why will you crave?  Don’t listen to your habit mind.  It isn’t aware of all the facts.  Just leave it alone.  It’s just a habit cycle.  Recognise it as such and detach from it.  Unhook yourself from the desire and simply turn away from it.  You can only have one thought at a time, luckily, and the groovy thing is, you get to choose it!  That’s the beauty of having free will, sister.  Bit of a curse too though, eh?”

 “I really don’t like sweetcorn, you know.  I hate your advertisement.  It’s so irritating and stupid.  Ho Ho Ho.  Santa says that and he really is Satan.  Sorry.”

 So I am now in a tree, sitting beside Sheer Khan.  That’s better.  A character I like.  “Happy now?”  I nod with ill-concealed wide-eyed glee, rubbing my hands.  “Why am I so small?  I must be bout 9.  Are you asian?”

 “It’s where you started getting lost.  I can be anybody you like and everybody you have ever known or an amalgamation thereof. So this is what you have forgotten”.

 “You need some carbohydrates.  A bit of cereal maybe, or bread.  And try to get the ones with the least of satan’s sugar now.  They ARE out there.

“Are you Satan?” I ask, growing apprehension as I realize I am talking to a snake in a tree, recommending that I eat more coco pops.”

“If you like.  Aim to include vegetables every day, best gotten locally, ideally from farm-shops, more natural.  Eat this lot first.  That way you will get satisfied, feel groovy and you will be less likely to go wild in the well stocked aisles.

Protein is absolutely essential.  You need a bit of meat every now and again, perhaps some cheese, nuts, a bit of fish.  The choice is yours.  Whatever you fancy.  Eat before you shop, by the way!  As soon as one enters the halls of food, the satanic host lies in wait.  They are all around and everywhere.  Know them as the voice of the media, the voice which advertises it’s wares and tempts you to buy them.  See through this process and realize that in most cases, that which is exalted, be the return.  Few operate under the motivation to provide genuine nutrition as their main game.  Keep the portions to “half of what can comfortably be taken” and you won’t go wrong.  Use a side plate.  It’s all you need.  Wind up with a bit of fruit or a yogurt.

 But remember, only eat when you are actually hungry, pay attention to what you are eating and wallow in water.

 “Is that it?”

 “What more do you want?  Don’t forget to top it off with a bit of fancy.  God didn’t make all those sweets for them to go to waste now, did he?  Although he probably didn’t expect us to fill whole shopping aisles full of them!

 Just reign yourself in.  You have arrived.  Cheerio now.  Mind how ye go.

 “Well Gosh.  Thank you for this wisdom.  Shopping will be a breeze now!  No more complicated diet plans that fail on Monday.  Freedom from the Jolly Green Giant; Freedom from Diet Slavery.  Keep it Green and U B Lean.

 And my eyes open suddenly as the dream fades, melting, melting, oh what a world.  Breaking dawn steals into the room and the silver glints.  My hand hits my chest, finding it and bringing it to eye level while still prone and you know what it says as well as I do now, don’t you?

 Jim Fixed It for Me

 Angel Feenix

The Spark

Pounding head and racing heart with the throbbing vital forces, surging emotion, rage and grief rotate within.  A low hum in the ears, unfocused eyes, flitting attention, I cannot settle to anything.  I am just 40, but the early onset of the menopause is a fact nonetheless.  It makes sense, since it went into motion when I was just 8, and created as much havoc then as it is doing now.  What used to be a regular monthly bout of pre menstrual chocolate quest followed by the sugar see-saw now appears to be amplified into full blown bi-polar storms of fast shifting elation to misery cycles.  Left with a feeling that I have turned into lead with a cotton wool brain and crash into my duvet head first after what has been yet another day of hormonal fencing with my peers.  Hah!

 I allow the raging tempest within to gradually subside, creating space between my day and my me.  Using  yogic breathing, I move my rib-cage rhythmically to a cyclic count of 4 in, 4 hold with the neck lock, 4 out and 4 at base, bereft of life.  Focus on the breath, become the breath.  Let the breath breathe the body.  And as calm clarity returns, I cool, wandering aimlessly around in my mind, meandering.

“You always need to be somewhere you know!”  You must be and you must do.  That is why you came.  Remember?”

 I sit up with a start, eyes wide breath held in fright.  Last I knew I was alone in this room.

 Time stops.

 “I’m a Kelpie”

 “A what?”

 “A Kelpie.  A sprite.  A Scottish fairy.”

 “In Bellshill?”

 Tinkerbells Hill.

 OMG!  I have actually managed to pierce the veil between the worlds at last.  “Am I in the beyond?”  “Did I die?”

 “Dinna be daft lassie.  Hurry up.  The Scientist wants a word”

 “What?  How ….”

 “Not that door.  And you won’t need your body so put it down……….Allow me to assist?”

 “Go back to the breath and listen as I guide ye”

 “A wide expanse of meadow, long grass that you run through, a white robe billowing, soft and ethereal, blonde hair streaming out behind ye, you are heading into the sunrise my pet, to the east, back to Eden.  The light from his lantern you perceive in the distance, lighting the way home.  Reaching the big old iron gate at the edge of the world and stepping down narrow, winding steps you arrive at a portal.  This old door is emblazoned by a winged globe, golden wings.  The light-bearer indicates inward and the door swings open to reveal an ante-chamber, cosy and made of onyx, lit by the light of a candle.  In an inset stands a life-size bronze figure of Hermanubis, the Jackal headed god of Egyptian myth.  He guards a box, a bright red box of globes.  But it is not yet time to play with the globes.”

 I notice an entrance concealed by a torn veil hovering in front of which is a small purple horse with huge lime-green wings, frowning at me and beckoning impatiently.  “He won’t wait, you know!”  I step through the tear and arrive in a corridor of doors.  There is a green breakfast room with a picture of Enid Blyton on the door, the fleshy dressing room with what sounds like some camp men behind it, the Pink room of angst complete with the logo from the place where I work (my office is painted pink!), a “Fug” room with its cloying clinginess.  A big steel door forbids entrance near the back which leads I know to the underworld dungeon rooms, but that is nowhere near as bad as the Fug room.  A copper counting house ends this list.  “Don’t Ask!”  At the end of the corridor there is a lilac chamber of yoga.  I know this because it has a big painting of Yogi Bajan on the door, whom I adore.  We pass through this room, over a gravel path to beyond it where lies a yellow room of the breath.  “This is where the monkey goes to detox.”  My Kelpie has been silent until now, smirking knowingly as I take it all in.  The Secret Garden lies beyond this breath room, octagonal with a raised pedestal in the centre.  “On it is the Silver Chalice of limitless light.  More about that later.  Do try to keep up.”

 The eight sides contain portals, one is the bridge to the faery, another the tarot tower wherein lie 22 spherical cells.  “There will be plenty of construction work going on here over the next 99 days!”  The entry to the temple of Malcuth is here too and the lift to the white room where Max lives, Ravi’s room is gold.  Oh and the lab of course. The seventh door leads back the way we came to the room room.  And there is a gate which leads to the beach, the writer’s beach house and the abyss.

 The Laboratory is entered through hospital doors.  A sign over this door says “A & E”.  “Yes!  Accident & Emergency.  That’s you, dear.  In you go!

 A man in a white coat looks up from where he sits at a desk and smiles benevolently.  He is perhaps in his 50’s.  He looks kind.

 “So you finally crossed over then?  Retained your consciousness too!  Well done you”

 “What is all this?”

 “The old memory takes some time to kick in, I’m afraid.  You will have to bear with it for now.  You are behind the mind, behind the “real” physical world of crystalised forces.  You have reached the higher Astral.  You might like to think of it as heaven, but your not dead.  You are waking up to yourself.  And you here to learn a technique to help you control your raging torrent of instinctual energies………..Hormones, Angel.  You won’t need HRT.  There is another way.”

 “I’ve got so many questions….”

 “I know.  Don’t fret.  All in good time.  Just relax and enjoy your expansion of consciousness.  Once the door is opened, it cannot be closed.  You noticed the torn veil?  You ripped it last time you were here.  Remember the lucid dreams you had during that traumatic episode?  But you weren’t quite ready then.  You got lost in the lower astral, the quagmire of the lower vibrations.  You had too much turmoil within and it attracted the shells that time”


 The Scientist got up and touched my hand,  appeared concerned and a little sad.


 I followed him out, past the chalice on it’s pedestal in the creative garden, back through a kaliediscope rainbow door, back through the corrider of the of the formative, back to to the ante-chamber, the onyx room with Hermanubis and the red box.

 “This is the energy conversion box.  You used it before when you were messing about with those Gateway Voyages on u-tube.  Have a look.  Don’t be shy!”

 I stepped tentatively up under the monstrous bronze of the Hermanubis and lifted the heavy lid of the box.  Inside were globes, glass globes, like an adult ball park.  Lifting the lid had the tardis effect.  The colours were brilliant and there was loud humming issuing from within.

 “You want that red one.”

 “No I don’t think I do, actually” as I backed away.

 “It’s you!  Your hung drawn and quartered personality as it grapples with the change.  Pertimes raging, abating to tearfulness.  No one else can handle this.  And you must never ever come here alone, you know!

 I gazed up at Hermanubis.

 “He is the guardian of the dead, assisting the soul through the underworld, the valley of the shadow of death.  The physical world that you call home for now is a dead world.  When you passed through the veil that first time, you drank from the silver chalice and you relinquished all that you were in order to become human and have a human experience.  He is your guardian, protecting the gateway, protecting your astral forms that are in that box.  Bring the red one over here.”

 A psychiatrist’s couch awaits.  And I lie down with my big red ball.  It rests at groin level.  It is full of stuff I don’t want to see.  I hear the voice of the scientist, authoritative and powerful “WITHIN THERE IS ANIMAL INSTINCT.  THERE IS RAGE AND THERE IS HATE AND THERE IS GRIEF” and looking up I notice that he wears a red mantle over his white and he is wearing also a “Karate Kid” bandana.  This makes me smile.

 “Good to smile, Angel.  Always good to see the fun.”

 You will notice these surges, but you must realize that you are possessed of a free will, and as such, you always have a choice about where you allow your attention to dwell.  Human physical waking mind can only hold one thought at a time, so when next you feel the rude interruption of one of these undesirable states, know this.  You have the beat of a heart in which to choose an alternative expression.  All the great sages used to pause before they react.  There is no need for you to be a reaction mechanism.  You get to choose.  Remember the Ball of Hormones, Angel.  Give the sentiment to the ball, while you remain in control……His voice is fading, fading.

 A little touch on my cheek and my eyes open to a little purple face.

 “Its time for you to go back now.”

 Carefully I return the ball to the box, glancing up at Hermanubis, standing guard over my stuff.  Its very reassuring that.

 I follow the Kelpie out of the onyx ball room, acknowledging the light bearer, up the windy stairs, out of the rusty old gates and chase after my purple friend.

 Running, running, running, darkness descends, sinking, light mud squelching under my feet.  They are sticky, sticky and I sink into quicksand, very quick sand, squashed in and pop out the other side into duvet world.  I seem to briefly fight with lots of bedding and metal springs appear to be within, no without.

 A loud cocktail party briefly bursts into my head, there is an electric jolt and I open my eyes to my room.

 My memory retains every single detail.

 Angel Feenix

 From an Anthology of unpublished work known as Behind the Mind.

Hello world!

Someone sends you a link, and hey presto (not tesco) you arrive, in seconds, and in no time at all you’ve got colour and structure and potential – to reeaach Oouut.

I am a seeker after truth and an aspirant of the ancient (and modern) wisdom of the school of life itself.

I am here because I have something to say.  If you read it, please comment.  I will do you the reciprocal of reading you.

I hail from Scotland, and I want to be a published author.  I write fiction of a fantasy nature, incorporating the ancient wisdom of which I am so fond.

A bit like modern Aesops Fables.

Ancient Initiates used to build libraries in their minds to organise their knowledge.  I tried to do the same and discovered that it is rather a unique technique in that it enables one to sort it all out in the mind.

So I am now developing the Behind the Mind Technique which is a tool that anyone can use to manage the sheer wealth of input sourced from modern society.

Utilising methods of guided meditation into the treasurehouse and constructing therein an inner temple where ideas can take shape and grow.

For me there is a story behind each room in the temple.  Come into my mind . . . . . . .